TF-IDF Important WordsΒΆ

The following example compute tf-idf of words in a document to determine the most important words.

NOTE: This is an example to show how to run the procedure however due to the small dataset used the results are likely to be non-sensical.

import enlp.understanding.distributions as dists
import enlp.processing.stdtools as stdt
import spacy

Load example text

with open("example_data/en_historynlp.txt", "r") as file:

Preprocess text - for this example we have a very small corpus to allow the documentation to build therefore we will split the single document into paragraphs for processing to imitate multiple document input and we will also remove stopwords as the text is too small for the tf-idf computation to handle them. For normal procedures you should NOT remove stopwords prior to computing tf-idf scores.

# Split text into paragraphs to imitate documents
paragraphs = text.split('\n\n')
# Remove \n and replace with space
paragraphs = [p.replace('\n',' ') for p in paragraphs]

# Because example text is small, remove stopwords as they'll influence tf-idf scores
en = spacy.load('en_core_web_md')
stopwords, stops_nb, stops_en = stdt.get_stopwords()
paragraphs = [stdt.rm_stopwords(en, p, stops_en) for p in paragraphs]

Compute tf-idf scores and determine most important words across full corpus

scores = dists.compute_tfidf(paragraphs)
print (dists.important_words_per_corpus(scores))


translation     0.106192
language        0.104992
machine         0.097584
systems         0.084293
learning        0.073622
natural         0.073411
data            0.072888
processing      0.069336
annotated       0.060897
research        0.057194
models          0.054165
intelligence    0.047994
turing          0.047994
eliza           0.047706
developed       0.046281
statistical     0.046008
results         0.043832
algorithms      0.041982
real            0.040207
written         0.039370
dtype: float64

Determine most important words per document (or for this example, per paragraph)

iw_p_d = dists.important_words_per_doc(scores)

for i, iw in enumerate(iw_p_d):
    print ('Paragraph %i important words: ' %int(i+1))
    print (iw)


Paragraph 1 important words:
[('intelligence', 0.3839490826316704), ('turing', 0.3839490826316704), ('1950', 0.1919745413158352), ('published', 0.1919745413158352), ('criterion', 0.1919745413158352)]
Paragraph 2 important words:
[('translation', 0.4934936045135249), ('machine', 0.3461480988917147), ('research', 0.17307404944585736), ('automatic', 0.13647639974751505), ('report', 0.13647639974751505)]
Paragraph 3 important words:
[('eliza', 0.38165016476739877), ('human', 0.2544334431782659), ('head', 0.2544334431782659), ('hurts', 0.2544334431782659), ('restricted', 0.2544334431782659)]
Paragraph 4 important words:
[('lehnert', 0.3022659596085749), ('1978', 0.3022659596085749), ('politics', 0.15113297980428744), ('conceptual', 0.15113297980428744), ('units', 0.15113297980428744)]
Paragraph 5 important words:
[('models', 0.3292843790366923), ('language', 0.2989594688746548), ('processing', 0.24913289072887895), ('rules', 0.2357425166457776), ('input', 0.19757062742201537)]
Paragraph 6 important words:
[('systems', 0.3483663777692584), ('corpora', 0.24826980544342042), ('result', 0.24826980544342042), ('translation', 0.17954688342718525), ('developed', 0.17954688342718525)]
Paragraph 7 important words:
[('annotated', 0.4871730917735322), ('data', 0.3089069609481648), ('supervised', 0.2435865458867661), ('non', 0.2435865458867661), ('algorithms', 0.2041445361115003)]
Paragraph 8 important words:
[('language', 0.25791453933888686), ('neural', 0.24405216992987602), ('deep', 0.24405216992987602), ('machine', 0.2063316314711095), ('learning', 0.2063316314711095)]

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 10.289 seconds)

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