Class for piping functions for natural language processing
from enlp.processing.stdtools import *
from enlp.understanding.linguistic import pos_tag
[docs]class NLPPipeline(object):
"""Pipeline class for combining functions from nlp_tools
model : :obj:`spacy.lang`
SpaCy language model
text : :obj:`str`
text string on which to perform processing
pos : :obj:`list`
list of Parts-of-Speech tags
tokens : :obj:`list`
list of tokens
def __init__(self, model, text):
"""__init__ method of nlp_pipeline class
model : :obj:`spacy.lang`
SpaCy language model
text : :obj:`str`
text string on which to perform processing
self.model = model
self.text = text
[docs] def rm_punctuation(self, **kwargs):
"""remove punctuation from text
self.text = rm_punctuation(self.model, self.text)
return self
[docs] def rm_stopwords(self, **kwargs):
"""remove stopwords from text
List of stopwords can be obtained from stdtools.get_stopwords()
self.text = rm_stopwords(self.model, self.text, stopwords=kwargs['stopwords'])
return self
[docs] def spacy_lemmatize(self):
"""lemmatise text
self.text = spacy_lemmatize(self.model, self.text)
return self
[docs] def nltk_stem_no(self):
"""stem text
self.text = nltk_stem_no(self.model, self.text)
return self
[docs] def pos_tag(self):
"""get part-of-speech tags
self.pos = pos_tag(self.model, self.text)
return self
[docs] def tokenise(self):
"""tokenise text
self.tokens = tokenise(self.model, self.text)
return self